
Alcoholism Movies List on MUBI

She’s squandered the money on drugs and alcohol and gets kicked out of a motel, then asks her now 20-year-old son, James, for help. James reluctantly agrees to let her crash at his place, as long as she doesn’t drink. But Leslie, being Leslie, steals money from James’ roommate and is caught hiding liquor bottles under her bed. James calls his grandmother, Leslie’s mom and a friend for help.

What is the female drug lord on Netflix?

A limited series inspired by the savvy and ambitious Colombian businesswoman Griselda Blanco, who created one of the most profitable cartels in history. Watch all you want.

In 1945, this will have been an extremely provocative movie, alcohol addiction was a thing that took place behind closed doors. Every single thing is cheerful and fine in favor of exploring spousal relationship mechanics in between both leads in a more truthful and impacting method. A more life-like image of the harmful edge of alcohol consumption – vomiting and awful mornings after would have made the movie more sensible. Now, Wanda is a kept woman and pays for her problem drinking with her partner’s cash.

Other Movies About Alcoholism That Received Audience and Critical Acclaim

We strive to make admission to Summit Malibu as simple and straightforward as possible. The rehab admission process can begin with a simple phone call to Summit Malibu, where our addiction treatment specialists are always available for confidential consultation. Obviously I’ve seen Leaving Las Vegas, Blue Jasmine (not really primarily directed at alcoholism but shows it accurately), so anything would help! Movies are one of the dominant forms of modern media, and almost all movies include alcohol.

If you’re not already a Johnny Cash fan, chances are you will be before the film is over. Mickey Rourke takes on Bukowski’s alter-ego Henry Chinaski, who, like Bukowski, drinks to deal with the drudgery of under-employment, now and then cutting the tedium by having some of his writing published. His days consist of hanging out at his local bar, although he hates the bartender, until he stumbles into another bar where he meets fellow alcoholic Wande (Faye Dunaway). Henry’s prospects rise and fall, but not much changes, and Rourke received good reviews as a man who just can’t get out of the rut he’s put himself in. As the titular weekend progresses, Don slips further and further into degradation, eventually at the brink of suicide when Helen and Wick are able to stop him.

Ray Donovan

After a deluge of lawsuits, tobacco companies agreed to stop commercial advertisements and product placements altogether, and movies featuring tobacco products fell by half the following year. Alcohol brands managed to avoid the retribution of people harmed by their product but took the lesson and invested more heavily in less conspicuous product placement advertising. The damage alcohol causes also finds its way into movies, but these films may be less advertiser friendly. 28 Days, starring Sandra Bullock, will always be one of my favorites.

President for the purpose of taking on the war on drugs, only to find out the judge’s daughter is addicted to cocaine. A Man Loves a Woman is a  film released in 1994 that stars Meg Ryan in the lead role of an alcoholic mother, Alice Green. Alice seems to have a perfect life, but the audience sees it shattered by her dependence on alcohol.

When a Man Loves a Woman (

He introduces her to social drinking, and although reluctant at first, she enjoys the pleasure of inebriation. They get married and he systematically causes her to become addicted to alcohol so they can partake in his appetite for the bottle together. “Riseborough gives a powerful and raw performance as Leslie, capturing her vulnerability and resilience,” wrote critic Alysse Bryson. “The film’s portrayal of addiction and recovery is unflinching and honest, and it does not shy away from showing the impact of alcoholism on both the individual and those around them. The film 28 Days starring Sandra Bullock is a more upbeat look at the self-discovery necessary to begin recovery. Bullock plays Gwen Cummings, a newspaper columnist who likes to party.

Why is alcohol in every movie?

Dartmouth researchers found that 80% of movies feature some degree of incidental alcohol consumption. This type of drinking exposure, while it may seem harmless, serves as a means of advertising for alcohol brands.

Kym, the main character played by Anne Hathaway, is incredibly annoying and hard to deal with, but also undeniably loveable at the same time. There Selecting the Most Suitable Sober House for Addiction Recovery is so much shame and guilt that goes along with life in addiction. This film does an amazing job of showing how that plays out in a family dynamic.

He is given a severance and heads to Las Vegas to drink himself to death. While he is there, he forms a strange relationship with Sera (Elisabeth Shue), a street prostitute. They settle on an uneasy agreement in which Ben is not allowed to bring up Sera’s line of work, and Sera is not permitted to impede Ben’s drinking habits. Henry Chinaski (Mickey Rourke) is a severe alcoholic who lives in a rundown apartment in Los Angeles and spends most of his life drinking in bars. However, he is also intelligent and a writer of short stories and poems. He frequently antagonizes a barkeeper named Eddie, who tosses him out of the bar one night for his drunken escapades.

  • Some people have criticized this movie for being too light-hearted.
  • A 13-year old girl discovers sex, drugs, and crime while hanging out with her cool, but disturbed best friend.
  • His days consist of hanging out at his local bar, although he hates the bartender, until he stumbles into another bar where he meets fellow alcoholic Wande (Faye Dunaway).
  • A look at the lives of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose paths have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Oklahoma house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them.

The film covers theft, crime, overdose and the complexities of life as s a group of young drug addicts. Affliction is a film adaptation of a novel by the same name written by Russell Banks. The main character of the film is Wade Whitehouse, who is a policeman in New Hampshire. Movies about addiction and recovery can serve as stark reminders of where we’ve been and serve to remind us of how we never want to get to that place again.

Researchers from the previously mentioned study note that brands feel safe being featured in movies using product placement, a form of native advertisements. Native advertising describes a type of ad that intentionally mimics the content it’s in to avoid breaking immersion. Product placement functions as a covert advertisement, not drawing undue attention to itself, but still representing the brand in a movie. A character drinking a beer at the bar during a scene could be considered advertising if the label of the can is clear and visible. If they were to pick up the can and monologue an endorsement that has nothing to do with the story, that would not be a native advertisement.
